Account Executives and Lead Prospectors are two of the most challenging yet rewarding jobs ever. Consider how difficult it would be to find the best people to help your company grow. AEs and LPs face the same challenges as any other job; It isn't a walk in the park.
That's why we've put together a list of the 18 best practices that Account Executives and Lead Prospectors should uphold to prepare for work that's more than just a job.

When making sales calls, Account Executives should keep the following in mind:
Pray before every call. It's not going to be easy all the time.
Be punctual. Arrive 10 minutes early for your scheduled call. Check that the links or app work, that your internet connection is stable, and that your presentation is ready to go.
Bring your A-game. Study the material and be well-versed in all aspects of your business (vision, mission, management, services, values, and so on) so that you can respond appropriately when a client asks specific questions. Nothing is more appealing than a knowledgeable person who knows what they're talking about.
Avoid reading in verbatim. Explain the material clearly and concisely. It's best not to read a passage word for word.
Profiling. Do some background research on the potential client. When a client senses that you are interested in learning about who they are and what they do, it helps build trust. It gives them a sense of worth.
Tips and Advice. Even if the client does not sign up with you or tries your brand, never be afraid to offer advice and recommendations. Many times, a client will not use your services right away, but after some time has passed, they will return because the advice or recommendations you gave them were effective. As a result, they hire you to help them grow.
Be wary of overpromising and being too pushy. Strive to give your clients the best service possible, but don't expect a 100% conversion rate.
Maintain a calm and pleasant demeanor. Remember to introduce yourself and stay positive. Even if the client is being rude, remain calm and polite.
Kindreds of soul clients. To ensure that expectations are met, work with clients who share your company's vision and mission.
Look out for red flags. It's good to close a client because it generates revenue for the company. However, you also don't want to work with clients who do not see your value and importance. So, if you're on the phone with a client who denigrates virtual assistants, Filipinos, or anyone who isn't on their "level," don't pursue it because it will only lead to future conflicts.
When finding leads, Lead Prospectors should keep the following in mind:
11. Pray that you find the right set of people or accounts to engage with.
12. Validate. Take a look at their accounts and determine whether or not they are active: Is this a genuine company? Is this a legitimate individual? Is he or she making an effort with her photos, cover photos, infographics, and offers? Etc.
13. Seek out leads in your target demographics: Business type, country/region, number of followers/friends/connections, recent activity in the last three months, if the account has any recommendations, active website, current projects, or offerings, etc.
14. Approachability. Examine their level of interest and responsiveness.
15. Market Strategies. Use various pitches depending on the services you provide and the type or level of success of their company.
16. When interacting, be creative and truthful.
17. Avoid sounding spammy or desperate. You want to speak with them casually, informing them of your services but not making them feel as if you're chasing them down like they're your only hope for getting clients.
18. Social Engagements. Ensure that your account is active and has recent postings or activity, depending on which platform you're using.
Being an Account Executive and or a Lead Prospector is a tough row to hoe. Therefore, you must improve your mental fortitude as well as your social skills. May these guidelines assist you in manifesting your work and serve as a reminder that your work is valuable beyond the realm of business.