There is extraordinary joy in giving.
Whatever we have right now has one true source: God’s generosity and grace. True happiness is being able to give back what we can for the greater glory of God, and to help out in sustaining our ministry and our communities.

Every quarter, a new Ripple mission project will be launched under the umbrella of Project 3:20. According to Jezrel Perez, the CEO of Ripple, Project 3:20 is based on the declaration and the promise of God in His Word in Ephesians 3:20 which says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.”
Our local mission projects in Ripple will support either a church, a community or an organization. For this quarter (April through June), we are supporting a 10M Faith Project for a Local Church Lot & Building of Good News Christian Fellowship (GNCF).
“Through this project, we are giving everyone an opportunity to experience what it means to be freed from the financial system of this world and experience the financial reprogramming of God for His people,” Jez says.
“The financial system of this world is anchored on greed and selfishness but breaking free from this system means that no one or nothing can threaten you anymore when it comes to finances and resources because you know who the real source of everything is, and that is our God & Maker - Jesus Christ. He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think (Ephesians 3:20)” she continues.
Through Project 3:20, it is also emphasized that it is through the power that works in us and the power of the Holy Spirit that we are able to experience abundance. God’s promises of abundance will be manifested only when we yield to this power.
Above all, Project 3:20 is about radical giving.
Jez shares her personal understanding of what radical giving is. “There is no specific amount you are to give. It depends on how you would like to respond to this vision. God’s blessing will correspond to our attitude in giving so whether it is 32, 320 or 3,200, 3.2M or any amount really, it does not matter as long as this for you is your radical giving.”
Project 3:20 is encouraging us to radically give by not expecting anything in return, but we trust that the abundance we share will be for the benefit of the last, the least, and the lost among us. It will be for the benefit of God and His people.
When we first launched Project 3:20, we were so overwhelmed and overjoyed by the responses we have gotten, especially from within the company. It is heartwarming to realize that our virtual assistants here at Ripple have the purest of hearts that gleefully give.
“I will give the first 3 months of my commission to Project 3:20,” said one of the first responders when the project was announced. Another VA also expressed their desire to give a percentage of their salary per cut-off for 3 months to Project 3:20.
“Thank you for the chance to be part of this project in my own little way,” one of the VAs said. “I cannot contribute something big, but I want to contribute with what I can heartily give.”
Not only our VAs have expressed their excitement to give— our families, our friends, some clients, and even strangers have reached out to share what they can.
There is extraordinary joy in giving, indeed. Especially when you know it is for God and the people that need it most. May we always find it in our hearts to fulfill our human need to to love, to care, and to share boundlessly.
If you want to be part of this project, kindly fill out this form: