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Mentoring as a Shortcut to Success

For many people, mentoring is an essential component of success. Finding a mentor to help you navigate your work life will increase your chances of success, whether you're a student, a young professional, or an established CEO.

Although nothing can replace actual experience, mentors can help you choose the correct experiences and steer clear of certain unwanted ones. In fact, Ripple VAs and Ripple Optimum Impact’s Chief Executive Officer Jezrel Perez was mentored by John Maxwell.

If even Jezrel Perez and other prominent figures such as Oprah Winfrey, Mark Zuckerberg, and even Aristotle had mentors, then there should be no reason for you to not have one.

Here are five reasons why mentorship is one’s ultimate shortcut to success:

1. Wisdom from Other People’s Experiences

Experience is the best teacher, they say. However, no one mentioned that it should be solely from your own experiences. Learning from past experiences of other people can make a huge difference. There is still a lot you don't know, and someone out there can educate you, so try not to let your ego stand in the way of your development.

2. Motivation

The best mentors inspire by setting a positive example. The finest form of inspiration you can receive from a mentor is the example they set, even though it's fantastic to have someone who supports you and delivers congratulations when they are due. The young people refer to this as having a #LifeGoal—someone who raises the bar for greatness and does so high. You, the mentee, can gain knowledge from it.

3. Connections

A mentor can assist their mentee in expanding their professional network. The mentor can introduce the mentee to potential prospects or people who can assist them when they identify their career or personal goals. These connections can be helpful for job progress because the mentor often has more experience in the field or a more senior position.

4. Constructive Feedback

Mentors help you remain grounded. Honest comments can be given in a mentoring relationship built on trust. By developing trust, the mentor's mentee learns that constructive criticism is meant to advance their professional development rather than to hurt their feelings. Mentors can help mentees by pointing out areas for improvement. Since this is a business connection, the mentor has an impartial function to play.

5. Objectivity and Perspective

You can get the necessary third-person perspective from a good mentor. A good mentor will be able to see in you what you are unable to see in yourself, what others are unable or unable to tell you, and whether or not you are still on the correct path. Allow your mentor to be honest with you. Remember, an experienced person's uncensored, impartial perspective is priceless.

In life, you don’t necessarily succeed because you hustled and worked harder than everyone else. Sometimes, it just takes having a guide —a good mentor— by your side.


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