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Lihok NegOr's PPE Distribution 

Negros Oriental reported an alarming rise in the number of COVID-19 cases. Hospitals are now overwhelmed and the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) of our medical frontliners are running low.


With this Lihok NegOr, a youth organization in Negros Oriental that centers in cultivating a progressive community initiated a PPE donation to extend help

to our medical frontline group. 


In partnership with Ripple VAs and Angat Buhay of

the Office of the Vice President, Lihok NegOr have successfully distributed our PPE donations to our

first batch of beneficiaries. These PPE sets for this particular initiative are from the Angat Buhay-OVP. The distribution is made possible with the help of Ripple VAs, for shouldering the transportation expenses.


The first batch of beneficiaries are Negros Oriental Provincial Hospital, Silliman University Medical Center, Ace Dumaguete Doctors Hospital, Bais City Dist. Hospital and Bindoy District Hospital. The next batch will be Bayawan District Hospital and Cong. Lamberto Macias Memorial Hospital in Siaton.


Lihok NegOr only allowed 2 or 3 representatives and 1 vehicle driver to conduct the distribution. Representatives are required to strictly follow minimum health protocols.


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